Monday, January 21, 2013

50,000 Words Day 15

Today I passed the halfway mark. From now on, I need to write 2,000 words per day to stay on track. My total word count today is 2,650. Total words in 15 days is 26,206 words. Hope you enjoyed my little tidbit yesterday. Also, just a reminder that I am writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty. I will give you another taste today. The setting is a farmhouse dining room on a Sunday afternoon. The family has returned from church where something distressing took place.
Cousin Louise was unusually quiet throught the preparation of the meal and right up until we all sat down to eat. Cousin Samuel blessed the food and as he started to say Amen, Cousin Louise started in. "Father, forgive me for any harsh feelings that I harbor toward Aribella Quantz. Help me to find a fresh way of speaking kindly to her. Bless her in ways that only You can. Watch over the Curtis family. Give me strength to help them. Usemy hands, my feet and my mouth to do what needs to be done. Amen." I looked up and Cousin Louise sat there at the table and cried before us. Samuel came around the table and reached down and hugged with all his might. I could hear him whispering to her that it would be alright, that he would help her make it alright. Well, at that poin, no one was eating. We were just staring at the two of them. Cousin Louise wiped her eyes and spoke, "Girls, do remember that Mark 9:42 tells us that even when we give someone a cup of cold water we do it in His name. Matthew 25:40 says "I tell you the truth to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me... Do you understand what this means?" Norma replied,"Mama we need to help the Curtis Family, don't we?" "Yes, sweetheart, we do." I am going to ask each of you to take one piece of chicken, a piece of bread, a dollop of mashed potates and gravy and then I am going to pack the rest up and take it over to the Curtis family. We have lots more out in the kitchen." Everyone did as they were told and then together, they pack that meal up and added eggs, milk, butter, two more loaves of bread, jars of canned goods set up from the garden. Samuel carried packages out to the carrige while they packed. Cousin Louise then told them that she and Father would drive over to the Curtis' and then when they got back Harriet would need to be packed to leave for home. I spoke up and told her that"I was packed up already." She asked if I minded riding along then, because it would save Samuel an hour or more worth of time. So it was, that I had the privilege of seeing those children tumbling out of the bushes and trees and the door of their little home as we pulled into the drive. Mrs. Curtis stepped to the door and then turned and called to her husband. The two of them, with a baby in her arms, stood solemnly in the doorway looking at us.
Cousin Samuel got out of the carriage and walked around to the back. Cousin Louise climbed out,took my hand and had me climb down and join her as she walked up that rocky, rough drive. "Good afternoon Jacob, Hattie. It sure is a beautiful day. I didn't get a chance to introduce you to my Cousin Harriet. She's been to our house visiting for a few days and now we are taking her back to her home in Burnside. You were on the way and we thought we would stop by for a moment." Jacob stepped out into the yard and went over to speak to Samuel. While they wer talking, Lousie told Hattie what they had brought to them. Hattie sat right down on the doorstep, throwing her apron over her head and sobbed. Louise sat down with her. I took the baby out of Hattie's arms and walked into the yard. I could barely hear the two men talking. Just snatches...need help with crops and cattle...not enough to do full-time...some help...Victor Leach...ten something out... After about fifteen minutes, Cousin Louise called to me. "Harriet,bring that sweet baby back to Mrs. Curtis. We need to be on our way. Samuel, get Jacob to help you unload the back of the carriage please. We have some traveling to do." As Samuel and Jacob hauled more and more food to the house, Hattie set to crying again. Cousin Louise told her that she would see her monday and Samuel said the same to Jacob. We finally climbed back into that carriage and drove away. "Cousin Louise, that was an act of charity wasn't it?" "Harriet, that was God's love with hands and feet. We need to listen to Him when he nudges us."
Okay, I am cutting you off for now, friends. The characters are starting to tell me what their stories are and they are and I am just writing down what they tell me. So, I am not going to bother you with my motivation card today. It is called The Squint.

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