Monday, January 28, 2013

50,000 Words Days 19-23 summary, and now 24

I have not posted in a few days. Needless to say, I had my mind on other things. My friend Michael passed away and I had the opportunity to help plan and play the piano for her service and coordinated the music that she wanted played. This is someone I loved. I have prayed for her recovery. Her recovery came in the form of God's arms wrapping around her and taking her home to be with her daughter, Meadowe and son-in-law, Rob. I am writing this book, in part, because of her encouragemt. I am the person that I am, in part, because of her impact on my life. I haven't posted,but I have been writing. I should say that my characters are telling their stories, because all I have to do, is pick up my pen and the characters have just started talking. That is not the way that I started out. I had to work hard to come up with the dialogue. Now it just comes without thought.
Over the last few days I wrote 5212 words which brought my total up to 35,833. Today I wrote 2376 words for a grand total of 38,209 words on day 24. I thought I only had 5 story lines to finish up but, I find that I have after completing two today, I still have 5 story lines to complete including a murder mystery that as yet I haven't solved. Well, I am satisfied that I am keeping to the task. My week 4 instructions are just to get to 50,000 words and more if I can. 6 days to go. Again, I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty. Here is an excerpt from today:
Malcolm whispered to his horses as he led them out of the stall, following behind the groom. "Be proud my boy. Hold up your heads. Prance for me boys! They walked into the ring. They did him proud as a gasp could be heard when the crowd got a good look at his "proud boys." They pranced a syncronized manner all around the ring. He drew them to the center and opened each of their mouths showing off their healthy teeth. He lifted each leg, showing the crowd their manicured hooves. The auctioneer started giving their statistics and then the bidding started. "Who will give me $50? Yup! $75? Hey! $125? Yup. $250? Ha! $500?...On and on it went. Malcolm just stood with his face buried in between his boys heads, whispering how much he loved them; how much he appreciated them, thanking them for saving his family farm and how he would never forget them. He prayed for God to give them a kind master and then suddenly he was being tapped on the shoulder. "Sir, you are done. Come this way." Done, what had happened? He was startled,"What happened?" The room was in an uproar with men shouting and hats going up in the air. He walked the boys out of the ring and once again, they pranced for the audience. A new roar went up and applause exploded! "Well done my boy! Well done! Edward grabbed his arm with his father coming up and grabbing the reins, helping him walk out through the crowd. They walked back to the stables. "I don't know what happened! I just kept whispering to the horses trying to keep them and mysel calm. What happened?" Daniel spoke up. "What happened? You are kidding? Your"boys" made history, that's what happened! Two major horse handlers, representing major horse farms got into a bidding war! I've never seen anything like it and probably never will again! Your "boys" went for a record $1500!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing a great job. Keep it up. Your excerpt was good. You may just have a seller here. Best of luck.
