Thursday, January 31, 2013

50,000 Words Day 27

Today I had no problem with completing my word count and exceeding it. I wrote 2909 words today, giving me a grand total of 45,512 words! I have three days left and I know that I will finish the task. If you are reading this blog for the first time, I am writing 50,000 word novel in 30 days using the program, No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. Today is day 27.

It is actually very freeing to know that I have done this and not stopped part way through like a thousand other projects that I have started and not completed over the last many years. There are so many unfinished projects. They come in all categories. I have an entire drawer in my craft room, (which is an unfinished project in itself.), an entire drawer filled with uncompleted sewing, embroidery, crewel, and needlework projects. I have boxes of quilts that I haven't even started-pieces cut out, all ready to stitch, just not done. I have unfinished manuscripts. I have paint that has dried up because I never used it. Always waiting, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect mood, the perfect environment, the perfect... Well, this time I didn't wait for all things perfect. I just did it or at least I am doing it and will complete it on Sunday, if not before. I'd like to be able to finish it in 29 days but no pressure.

I finished the storyline with the murder mystery in it. It actually tied together a couple of storylines and ended up with three seperate murders. I know, it all sounds hokey, but I think it is going to be an entertaining book when I am done editing it. At least there is one thing that I can say about it, it will be finished!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

50,000 Words Day 25, 26

I haven't posted since Monday. My instructions for week four were just to get to 50,000 words so I am writing. As of tonight, my total word count is now 42,603! I can see the finish line! If you haven't seen this blog before, it is about my journey to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty.

Today I came close to completing a major knot in my storyline-just a small detail and that one will be done tomorrow. I have three story threads to complete. One of them may just have to wait until the next novel. It may be too big a piece to complete. I don't know. I'll let the characters decide for me. No working title yet, but it will reveal itself to me. Telling this story is like piecing together a quilt. The pattern gets picked out. I think that this one is a Crazy Quilt. Then you follow the pattern using fabrics of different colors. The colors are usually divided into light, medium and dark. The prints are usually divided into small, medium and large. Even a Crazy Quilt has a pattern of sorts. I am now finishing up my blocks and have started laying them out to find the best contrast and combinations of colors. The people are divided into different categories and different personalities. Then they are put into different situations ranging from joy to trauma. In a few days I'll let you know how it turns out.

Monday, January 28, 2013

50,000 Words Days 19-23 summary, and now 24

I have not posted in a few days. Needless to say, I had my mind on other things. My friend Michael passed away and I had the opportunity to help plan and play the piano for her service and coordinated the music that she wanted played. This is someone I loved. I have prayed for her recovery. Her recovery came in the form of God's arms wrapping around her and taking her home to be with her daughter, Meadowe and son-in-law, Rob. I am writing this book, in part, because of her encouragemt. I am the person that I am, in part, because of her impact on my life. I haven't posted,but I have been writing. I should say that my characters are telling their stories, because all I have to do, is pick up my pen and the characters have just started talking. That is not the way that I started out. I had to work hard to come up with the dialogue. Now it just comes without thought.
Over the last few days I wrote 5212 words which brought my total up to 35,833. Today I wrote 2376 words for a grand total of 38,209 words on day 24. I thought I only had 5 story lines to finish up but, I find that I have after completing two today, I still have 5 story lines to complete including a murder mystery that as yet I haven't solved. Well, I am satisfied that I am keeping to the task. My week 4 instructions are just to get to 50,000 words and more if I can. 6 days to go. Again, I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty. Here is an excerpt from today:
Malcolm whispered to his horses as he led them out of the stall, following behind the groom. "Be proud my boy. Hold up your heads. Prance for me boys! They walked into the ring. They did him proud as a gasp could be heard when the crowd got a good look at his "proud boys." They pranced a syncronized manner all around the ring. He drew them to the center and opened each of their mouths showing off their healthy teeth. He lifted each leg, showing the crowd their manicured hooves. The auctioneer started giving their statistics and then the bidding started. "Who will give me $50? Yup! $75? Hey! $125? Yup. $250? Ha! $500?...On and on it went. Malcolm just stood with his face buried in between his boys heads, whispering how much he loved them; how much he appreciated them, thanking them for saving his family farm and how he would never forget them. He prayed for God to give them a kind master and then suddenly he was being tapped on the shoulder. "Sir, you are done. Come this way." Done, what had happened? He was startled,"What happened?" The room was in an uproar with men shouting and hats going up in the air. He walked the boys out of the ring and once again, they pranced for the audience. A new roar went up and applause exploded! "Well done my boy! Well done! Edward grabbed his arm with his father coming up and grabbing the reins, helping him walk out through the crowd. They walked back to the stables. "I don't know what happened! I just kept whispering to the horses trying to keep them and mysel calm. What happened?" Daniel spoke up. "What happened? You are kidding? Your"boys" made history, that's what happened! Two major horse handlers, representing major horse farms got into a bidding war! I've never seen anything like it and probably never will again! Your "boys" went for a record $1500!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

50,000 Words Day 18

Names, names, names! I am sick of thinking of more first, middle and last names. Every time I think I have a long enough list, then I run out of names. You don't think about this kind of stuff until you start writing. You need first names for women, children, men, last names for everyone and often a middle name. It is hard to keep track of so, I have lists of families to keep them correctly configured. Anyways, I completed my words for the day. Finished up one of the hanging chads that I had and it is late. My count for today was 2103 and I am too tired to give you a total but it is more than yesterday and my computer keeps acting up, freezing or the mouse gets lost. So I am shutting it down without giving you the figure but it is more then 32,000, that I know. so no picture and no number and no motivation. Frustrated with my computer.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

50,000 Words Day 17

Today I spent time with my grandbabies, thanking God for their health, their laughter, their minds and imagination. I wrote after coming home and the characters again, told me their stories. My goal was 2000 words. I completed 2129 words. My total on day 17 of my 30 day journey to write a 50,000 word novel is at 30,361. This week, the number seem to jump exponentially rater than slowly like week two, exactly what Chris Baty, the creator of No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit. He said this week would flow with words and story lines would come together miraculously and that is exactly what is happening.
I have five storylines that need to be completed. Each of them small parts of the larger whole and necessary to the overall tale. All have been started, some even almost done. None of them follow the other. They are all at different points in the story. There is one however, that may take more words than I have left. That is okay. I just am surprised by it. When I started this project, I thought 50,000 words would be more than enough to complete my tale, whatever it ended up being. Whatever I end up with, I think will be pretty amazing.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

50,000 Words Day 16

It's late and I want to go to bed but I got my words completed. I needed 2000 today and I got 2026. On Day 16 of my 30 day journey to 50,000 words,I am at 28,232 words. Not bad. My issue at this point is to try and tie up lots of story lines that are only partially completed. Try not to kill of anyone else. Dangerous times back then. I have several characters that are just lines because I have no name for them as of yet. My name list is down to the dregs.
If you are reading this blog for the first time, you will need to know that I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty. My motivation card is motivation for me only today so no sharing...

Monday, January 21, 2013

50,000 Words Day 15

Today I passed the halfway mark. From now on, I need to write 2,000 words per day to stay on track. My total word count today is 2,650. Total words in 15 days is 26,206 words. Hope you enjoyed my little tidbit yesterday. Also, just a reminder that I am writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty. I will give you another taste today. The setting is a farmhouse dining room on a Sunday afternoon. The family has returned from church where something distressing took place.
Cousin Louise was unusually quiet throught the preparation of the meal and right up until we all sat down to eat. Cousin Samuel blessed the food and as he started to say Amen, Cousin Louise started in. "Father, forgive me for any harsh feelings that I harbor toward Aribella Quantz. Help me to find a fresh way of speaking kindly to her. Bless her in ways that only You can. Watch over the Curtis family. Give me strength to help them. Usemy hands, my feet and my mouth to do what needs to be done. Amen." I looked up and Cousin Louise sat there at the table and cried before us. Samuel came around the table and reached down and hugged with all his might. I could hear him whispering to her that it would be alright, that he would help her make it alright. Well, at that poin, no one was eating. We were just staring at the two of them. Cousin Louise wiped her eyes and spoke, "Girls, do remember that Mark 9:42 tells us that even when we give someone a cup of cold water we do it in His name. Matthew 25:40 says "I tell you the truth to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me... Do you understand what this means?" Norma replied,"Mama we need to help the Curtis Family, don't we?" "Yes, sweetheart, we do." I am going to ask each of you to take one piece of chicken, a piece of bread, a dollop of mashed potates and gravy and then I am going to pack the rest up and take it over to the Curtis family. We have lots more out in the kitchen." Everyone did as they were told and then together, they pack that meal up and added eggs, milk, butter, two more loaves of bread, jars of canned goods set up from the garden. Samuel carried packages out to the carrige while they packed. Cousin Louise then told them that she and Father would drive over to the Curtis' and then when they got back Harriet would need to be packed to leave for home. I spoke up and told her that"I was packed up already." She asked if I minded riding along then, because it would save Samuel an hour or more worth of time. So it was, that I had the privilege of seeing those children tumbling out of the bushes and trees and the door of their little home as we pulled into the drive. Mrs. Curtis stepped to the door and then turned and called to her husband. The two of them, with a baby in her arms, stood solemnly in the doorway looking at us.
Cousin Samuel got out of the carriage and walked around to the back. Cousin Louise climbed out,took my hand and had me climb down and join her as she walked up that rocky, rough drive. "Good afternoon Jacob, Hattie. It sure is a beautiful day. I didn't get a chance to introduce you to my Cousin Harriet. She's been to our house visiting for a few days and now we are taking her back to her home in Burnside. You were on the way and we thought we would stop by for a moment." Jacob stepped out into the yard and went over to speak to Samuel. While they wer talking, Lousie told Hattie what they had brought to them. Hattie sat right down on the doorstep, throwing her apron over her head and sobbed. Louise sat down with her. I took the baby out of Hattie's arms and walked into the yard. I could barely hear the two men talking. Just snatches...need help with crops and cattle...not enough to do full-time...some help...Victor Leach...ten something out... After about fifteen minutes, Cousin Louise called to me. "Harriet,bring that sweet baby back to Mrs. Curtis. We need to be on our way. Samuel, get Jacob to help you unload the back of the carriage please. We have some traveling to do." As Samuel and Jacob hauled more and more food to the house, Hattie set to crying again. Cousin Louise told her that she would see her monday and Samuel said the same to Jacob. We finally climbed back into that carriage and drove away. "Cousin Louise, that was an act of charity wasn't it?" "Harriet, that was God's love with hands and feet. We need to listen to Him when he nudges us."
Okay, I am cutting you off for now, friends. The characters are starting to tell me what their stories are and they are and I am just writing down what they tell me. So, I am not going to bother you with my motivation card today. It is called The Squint.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

50,000 Words Day 14

Today, I surpassed my daily goal by writing 1696 words bring my weekly total to 23,556. That surpasses the week 2 goal of making it to 20,000 words. No Plot? No Problem! novel writing-kit by Chris Baty sets a total goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. At day 14, I am almost half way there. I am giving you an excerpt of the as yet unnamed novel that I am writing today. Here is just a taste:
Group singing was led by the Choir Director, Mr Lawson Fletcher. He directed the singing while waving his arms into larger and larger flourishes. His black hair seemed to fly back and forth with the effort. The pianist, Miss Winifred Kierkel was a lively player. She seemed to bounce up and down to the beat of each note throughout the songs. The bird on her hat flapped away. The bouncing caused her anatomy to lead the men of the congregation to think on subjects unseemly. Mrs Aribella Quantz, President of the Womens Mission Society felt it her duty at some point to prevent further sin from happening so she went over and placed her hand on her shoulder. The bouncing stopped briefly, then started back up. The overall effect of the waving arms, flourishes, the black hair flying, the bird flapping away and the bousing up and down were quite a sight to behold.
My motivation card for today is called Keep The Faith: Novelist Amy Bender surrounds her writing desk with a dozen synonyms for the word "faith." Why? It helps remind her that, however confusing her story may seem at the moment, its point will become clear if she jest keeps writing. And it always does. As you enter your fourteenth day of writing, make and post a sign that will help you remember that things are going to work out great in the end.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

50,000 Words Day 13

Today is day 13, and I am distracted by sadness for my friend, who is beyond any help from me other than my prayers. she has encouraged me in so many ways and my love for her will last my whole life. Part of her is in this attempt on my part to write this novel. Her encouragement to step outside and stretch myself by her example has made me realize that I am strong enough to do this. My numbers for today are 1667 bringing my total in 13 days to 21,860 words. As I have said before, I am writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. The program that I am using, called, No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. My motivvation card for today is called, A Lesson From The Deep:
Recent studies of marine mammals have revealed the perplexing fact that baby killer whales don't sleep at all during their first month on Earth. The explanation concocted by scientists is that the whales are at risk of freezing to death in the inhospitable waters until they acquire the blubber that insulates them. As you head through the ides of your novel month, take inspiration from these creatures and know that with each day of writing you're developing the kind of thickened skin and world-wise writing experience that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Even if it just feels sometimes like you're swimming in circles.

Friday, January 18, 2013

50,000 Words Day 12

I still have the flu. Tamiflu is a wonder drug but I am still not well. However, I am writing. For those of you who don't know, I am using the program, No Plot? No Problem!- novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. Today I wrote 1986 words. And drumroll please? My total word count in 12 days is 20,193! That is almost half way through.
By the way my illness has found itself in my novel in the form of diptheria. My motivation card is called Onward!: one of the most famous mountain climbers of the last twenty-five years is Joe Simpson, known not for the number of peaks he's scaled, but for a nightmarish climb gone awry in 1985. As captured in his book (and later the movie) Touching the Void, Simpson shattered his leg on a snowy, stormy descent, and fell hundreds of feet, landing on a ledge overlooking the maw of an ice crevasse. Staying where he was seemed untenable, but the only direction he could go was down, lowering himself into the dark, claustrophobic slit of the icy canyon. getting back out would be impossible. His thought at that juncture: "You gotta keep making decisions. even if they're wrong decisions. If you don't make decisions, you're stuffed." Simpson made it off the mountain with all his appendages intact, and you should take his good advice to heart throughout Week Two. Resist the impulse to sit back and ponder. Keep moving forward.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

50,000 Words Day 11 Flu!

I woke up this morning at 3 with the flu! A call to the doctor, a prescription for Tamiflu (Surprisingly, it is 10 pills over 10 days. I thought it was one pill). So I am not writing much here. I did write 1414 words late this afternoon. I am not writing the motivation card down. I don't want to even do this but, I need to keep my promise to myself. Didn't meet my goal but I will dip into my banked words to bring it up to 1667-253 words.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

50,000 Words Day 10

Today I cranked out words. I wrote 3187 words! Hurray! I am only going to count 2000 and bank the rest to build my bank account back up. So my total word count is 16,540 words. This week is all about building the plot. The program that I am using called, No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. My motivation card is called Complain, Curse, Crumple: A friend of mine, who is an EMT, says that people at restaurants choke more often than you'd imagine. According to him, the real danger isn't the choking, it's the bathroom. Because the moment people get a chicken wing lodged in their throats, they do a curious thing: They use the last of their oxygen to politely remove themselves to the bathroom, far away from anyone who might be able to help Heimlich it out.
If at any point you start having difficulty with your novel, the worst thing you can do is suffer silently. Complain in great detail to your support team and anyone else who will listen. Curse your characters and their mothers. Crumple up this card and hurl it in the trash. Let the frustration out. You'll be surprised at how much clearer your writing vision is after a good venting.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

50,000 Words Day 9

Okay, I got my words in and extra but I am putting the extra in my bank account to refill what I used yesterday. So officially, I wrote 1667 words but actually I wrote 2357. Today went smoother than the last few days. A few of my characters are really starting to flesh out and the story line is starting to gel. That makes me feel good. I spent the evening with some very creative friends, Christie Waldo, Amanda Whitsel, Phil Owen and Mark Dousseau. The creative exercise was very invigorating for me. I hope I didn't annoy too much, but I gotta say that it felt good throwing ideas back and forth for a while. My goal is to try to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Today is day 9 and my total word count is 14540 thus far. The goal by the end of the week is minimum 20,000 words which I don't see a problem achieving. The program is called No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. My motivation card for today is called No Frogs In This Pond:
Today, we take Zsa Zsa Gabor as our literary role model. Her enthusiasm for marriage was so great that she did it nine times. What do Zsa Zsa's many nuptials have to do with your novel? Today, as a number of possible plot directions start offering themselves to you, you may decide to wait coyly for The One to appear. Don't. In the world of the month long novel, there are no frogs, only princes (or princesses). Take inspiration from the Hungarian actress, and hitch yourself to any likely plot suitor. You'll have a great time with any of them, and you can always grab a different one on the next go-round.

Monday, January 14, 2013

50,000 Words Day 1

I am officially starting a new project today. It is something that I have been considering for a long time. I am starting a book. Yes, a book. What is it about? Well, it is starting out as something and very well may end up as something else. Right now it is a novel with no name, loosely based on my parents and their family past. Who knows? It may end up being a sci-fi. thriller by the time I am done.
[Unidentified woman seated outdoors on a rug with tea set and bo
The point is, I need cheerleaders. That is why I am writing this. I will be posting on my blog later today. No, it won't be my book, but little snippets. I am using a program called No Plot? No Problem! I must write 50,000 words is 30 days. That is 1667 words per day. The point is to be consistent and write. So, I will be asking for encouragement. Hey, it may turn out to be a stinker of a novel, but I will be able to state that I wrote one. By the way, thanks Gina Lawton for the kick in the pants.

50,000 Words Day 8

Today has been difficult but got to 2000 words. The story is weaving through four generations and right now I am struggling with a section that is full of lots of dialogue and monologue. Writing, but i can tell that it will need to have major overhaul. So anyways, I need some encouragement. I have reached an astounding 14,873 words. I am amazed, however, the story that is in my head is not coming out the way I want it right now. So, remember, I am using the No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. I have to write 50,000 words within 30 calendar days. My motivation card is so appropriate. I have close to one hundred characters over four generations and I had to draw a quasi family tree just in order to keep track of names and relationships. The card is called The Plot Thickens: Ah, the start of the second week. Where things get more, um...interesting. If Week One was all about character creation, Week Two is about finding something to do with all the people milling around in your book. Yes, we're talking plot here, a word that sends a lot of writers needlessly running in fear. just keep prodding your characters and a plot will wet itself in motion this week. know, though, that the decisions of Week Two will make this the most exhausting of all four weeks. Also, know that the more you write, the more inspired you are going to feel. If you're feeling a little pokey now, it's because you're not writing enough. Push yourself to write every day, and make a point of adding something to your word count any time you're with striking distance of a keyboard.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

50,000 Words Day 7

Today I am glad for small favors and those people who think ahead because today I dipped into my savings account of words to achieve my goal of 1667 words. I spent much needed time with my family and enjoyed the Golden Globes and watches as Les Miserables captured so many awards. Victor Hugo wrote the book that the musical was based on. He wrote about hardship beyond anything I could think up. He created characters that step right off the page and let you crawl right inside their souls. I am always amazed at the incredible talent that comes from the imagination that God created in each of us. I listened to people that were humble, that were gracious and sharing in their moment in the spotlight. I also listened to a few that were not so humble, not so gracious. I aspire to use this imagination to continue my journey and create something from beginning to end. More tomorrow.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

50,000 Words Day 6

Today I reached a total of 2000 words. That means that I now have 11206 words at the end of day six. The 7 day total is 11669 for the week, so I am in great shape. Thank you for your support, and thank you even, if you think I am wasting my time or think that I won't finish another project that I have started. I do have a lot of unfinished projects in my past. This was one of them. It has been on my bucket list for years. Another item that was on my bucket list was completing my family tree. I started working on my genealogy which was a promise that I made Mama that I would complete what she and Daddy started in the mid-sixties. I have been working on it for the last 6 months or so, steadily making progress. I completed several knitting projects this year which I am very proud of. That was something else that brings me back to my Mama. This project is a result of No Plot? No Problem! a novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. I need to write 50,000 words in 30 calendar days. That means that I am over a fifth of the way there. My motivation card for today is called Go Wild:
Weird fact: Before Jerry Springer launched his brawling freak show on daytime TV, he was a serious progressive politician and highly respected mayor of Cincinnati. In his heyday, many Ohioans even saw him as a likely candidate for the U.S. presidency. As you begin worrying that you might be pushing the bounds of believability for some of your characters, remember Jerry and the countless other real-life stories you've heard that make the wildest fiction pale by comparison. Don't be afraid to leverage the power of unlikely coincidences and unbelievable occurrences. Nothing could be more true to life.

Friday, January 11, 2013

50,000 Words Day 5

Today flew. I completed my word count+ and added to my Savings Account of words written. Those for me to use in an emergency. The story is skipping between four generations and I have 76+ characters-most minor, incidental people but they needed names. That is a lot of names to come up with. I am glad that I made a name list before I started. I have already had to add to it. You can go through a lot of names when you need first, middle and last for both sexes. Even animals like the horses that they families owned. That is a lot! I have also drawn out a family tree of sorts to keep track of who is related to who. The story may have started out about my parents history but it has definitely taken a turn with only bare bones of the family peaking through at this point. Right now I have an unsolved murder and robbery, several family members that have no contact, unrequited love, jealousy, anger, fear,the whole range of emotions. It also spans four generations weaving back and forth. And so officially on Day 5 my word count was 1804 words, bringing my total for five days to 9206 words! The goal for Week 1 is 11669 so I am doing very well if I don't say so myself. Let me know what you think of this whole process. Am I crazy? By the way, I love quirky characters and I am starting to develop some very quirky ones in my novel-I will give you a short character description from Generation 3.
She hated Harriet! Hateful heavy, horribly haughty Harriet She should be over it. After all, Harriet's pretty blonde ringlets faded as she grew older. The ringlets turned to frizz and now she had bland blond hair that was a snarled mess. No amount of irons, creams, special recipes could untangle that mess of hair she had. She had refused to cut it, until mother forced her into a chair and tied her down. Mother cut fifteen inches of rats nest hair off of the back of her head. It had gotten to the point where it wouldn't even stay pinned up. Mother trimmed it way up to her shoulders, twisted the sides into three sausages on each side, did the back the same way and then wound three of them around each other. She ended up with three buns-back and both sides! It made her face look wide but at least the hair stayed in place. For all that however, Harriet stay behave like the little blond child with the perfect ringlets. Well hateful Harriet with her haughty manners had somehow snagged herself a beau. My motivation card from No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Batey,for today is called Borrow Mercilessly: One of the best ways to learn to do something is to emulate those whose work you admire. The treat (and task) for today is to drop by the bookstore and pick up a novel by an author whose voice you've always loved. Read the first few pages of your purchase before you start writing, and pick out the methods the writer uses to create the mood you find so appealing. Is it the folksy vocabulary and informal writing style? The electric buzz of clipped, declarative sentences? Of the poetic, lyrical style of flowing sentences and sensual adjectives? Whatever it is, borrow the elements you love and use them throughout today's writing session.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

50,000 Words Day 4

Today is day 4 of the 30 Day Challenge that I have set for myself to write a novel in 30 days. I am using the No Plot? No Problem! Writing Kit by Chris Baty. Today I had to go get some allergy testing done so, I didn't get as early a start to my writing as I wanted, although I did write while I was there. Finally, I have finished writing for the day. My count is 1714 words. My total for four days is now 7402 words. That feels good. I have a motivational card to read each day. This is todays card: Let Your Fingers Do The Naming:
Demographers have been noting the decreasing size of families in industrialized nations for decades. They pin it on everything from rising education rates among women to the decrease in family farming. But i know the real culprit: With a skyrocketing number of baby names to pick from, would[be parents avoid having children because the can't decide what to name the things. As you birth your cast of characters this week, you can reduce your naming stress by simply borrowing monikers from the Great Library of Character Names. It's published annually by your phone company: look for the large white book on your shelf next to the Yellow Pages.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

50,000 Words Day 3

Today my word count is: 1667 and yes, you are right, you haven't seen anything that I have written yet. Maybe in a couple of days, I will give you a little taste. But not today. I am still struggling with what thee story is telling me. Right now it is all over the place-1942, 1880, and points between. There is misery, love, robbery and a possible murder!Still don't know what it will end up looking like, but today's motivation card helped me remember it isn't so much about a brilliant novel but about completing the process. My motivation card for today was interesting. As I have said before, I am using No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. It is called AIM LOW- One of my favorite books is called Rules of Thumb 2. The volume offers thousands of guidelines for any number of essential day-to-day activities, such as properly estimating a submerged crocodile's length and surviving a pistol duel. The dueling hint was submitted by historian Jim Barber, who writes: "When dueling with firearms, always aim lower than your opponent's vital area-to pierce the heart, aim at the knees." This is something you'd do well to keep in mind in these early days of Week One.
Abandon the stultifying notion of brilliance and aim instead for the low mark of completion. It'll take the pressure off of you, which will allow your writing to become looser and more ambitious, paradoxically raising the quality of your book. It's Barber's law: aiming low is the best way to succeed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

50,000 Words Day 2

Well today I reached 4021 words.It was stressful because I started later than I did the day before. My motivation card from No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty hit home: Create Your Clay
Writing a novel is like working with clay. You first create a rough shape, then massage that shape into something beautiful, such as an ashtray or a fearsome army of worms. Unlike potters, though, who can simply buy clay at the art supply store, novelists have to pull off the supernatural feat of creating their clay with their minds. It's an amazing accomplishment, really, and it's also why postponing judgment of your work until the end of your first draft is so important. what you started producing yesterday is noveling clay-valuable, essential, and invariably lumpy. Its beauty will grow as you work it. Thank you for cheering me on. The response yesterday was amzing and encouraging.