Saturday, January 12, 2013

50,000 Words Day 6

Today I reached a total of 2000 words. That means that I now have 11206 words at the end of day six. The 7 day total is 11669 for the week, so I am in great shape. Thank you for your support, and thank you even, if you think I am wasting my time or think that I won't finish another project that I have started. I do have a lot of unfinished projects in my past. This was one of them. It has been on my bucket list for years. Another item that was on my bucket list was completing my family tree. I started working on my genealogy which was a promise that I made Mama that I would complete what she and Daddy started in the mid-sixties. I have been working on it for the last 6 months or so, steadily making progress. I completed several knitting projects this year which I am very proud of. That was something else that brings me back to my Mama. This project is a result of No Plot? No Problem! a novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. I need to write 50,000 words in 30 calendar days. That means that I am over a fifth of the way there. My motivation card for today is called Go Wild:
Weird fact: Before Jerry Springer launched his brawling freak show on daytime TV, he was a serious progressive politician and highly respected mayor of Cincinnati. In his heyday, many Ohioans even saw him as a likely candidate for the U.S. presidency. As you begin worrying that you might be pushing the bounds of believability for some of your characters, remember Jerry and the countless other real-life stories you've heard that make the wildest fiction pale by comparison. Don't be afraid to leverage the power of unlikely coincidences and unbelievable occurrences. Nothing could be more true to life.

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