Wednesday, January 16, 2013

50,000 Words Day 10

Today I cranked out words. I wrote 3187 words! Hurray! I am only going to count 2000 and bank the rest to build my bank account back up. So my total word count is 16,540 words. This week is all about building the plot. The program that I am using called, No Plot? No Problem! novel-writing kit by Chris Baty. My motivation card is called Complain, Curse, Crumple: A friend of mine, who is an EMT, says that people at restaurants choke more often than you'd imagine. According to him, the real danger isn't the choking, it's the bathroom. Because the moment people get a chicken wing lodged in their throats, they do a curious thing: They use the last of their oxygen to politely remove themselves to the bathroom, far away from anyone who might be able to help Heimlich it out.
If at any point you start having difficulty with your novel, the worst thing you can do is suffer silently. Complain in great detail to your support team and anyone else who will listen. Curse your characters and their mothers. Crumple up this card and hurl it in the trash. Let the frustration out. You'll be surprised at how much clearer your writing vision is after a good venting.

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